Linux For Engineering - A Pratical Case

One principal facial expression of people relunctancy on adopting Linux inwards their offices is the modify together with the fearfulness to piece of work amongst something new.

Well, I'm a mechanical engineer, together with afterward using Linux at dwelling household for a dyad of years, I convinced my boss that i would work Linux inwards my professional person laptop. For him it was ok, because it was also a tryout earlier nosotros convert all workstations to Linux together with our server.

1st Step - Install Ubuntu 9.04, it was no job at all, because I'd done it before, together with it is real simple.

2nd Step - Connection amongst our Windows Server 2003 file server, no job at all, only a unproblematic editing of /etc/fstab together with adding the trace of piece of work "//X.X.X.X/XXX /media/XXX cifs auto,nounix,username=XXX,password=XXX,iocharset=utf8 0 0". I know parsing username together with password inwards fstab is non the best means to create this, but since I'm the exclusively user inwards this PC that's ok...

3rd Step -  Compatibility amongst component files, I shouldn't telephone yell upwards it a footstep because for five years nosotros are using Openoffice inwards all Windows Pc's

4th Step - Getting file syncronization to work. This was to a greater extent than tricky, because windows filesystem permission is different, but zilch that five minutes reading didn't solve. I used Unison to sync files. Only modify that i've needed to brand to popular off the sync to piece of work amongst win file server was on /.unison/profile_name.prf, only add together the trace of piece of work "perms=0" together with it is all ok to sync with.

5th Step - Connect Evolution to Exchange Server. Easy.... As you lot know, or not, central server equally a tool called Online Web Access (OWA), together with this is only how Evolution connects to exchange. OWA uses https://server/exchange to allow access amongst a browser. To popular off development to piece of work amongst it, only follow Edit->Preferences->Email Accounts->Receive->Server type->Microsoft Exchange together with thus inwards URL OWA type the address or ip to your central server together with type your username. Simple isn't it?

6th Step - In our component nosotros are a bunch of engineers, together with nosotros create a lot of calculations for our projects. We bring a lot of unit of measurement conversions together with at the same fourth dimension calculations inwards diferent units. In windows nosotros work Uconeer to brand conversions that industrial plant amongst Wine, but to work a native linux i've been using Qalculate. Much to a greater extent than powerfull equally it has estimator together with unit of measurement conversion integrated. To install it only type "sudo apt-get install qalculate"

7th Step - How to work Autocad similar software. This is the exclusively software i dont bring native yet. In our component nosotros work Bricscad from Bricsys. This software household is lauching soon, equally i promise a version for Linux, but equally I'm waiting i bring to virtualize a windows machine. For this operate I'm using Virtualbox. To dont bring job amongst legal issues amongst licenses amongst microsoft i'm using windows vii RC wich is perfectly legal till side yesteryear side year. When that fourth dimension comes actually promise bricsys popular off it right.... I've also tried to create this amongst wine, but it wasn't fast plenty due to GDI problems

It's been four months since i've booted windows end time. And i bring to nation i've non been less productive. It exclusively lacks the proficient cad bundle native.

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