How To Piece Of Job Helium Leak Detection System?

Importance of Helium in addition to why it is necessary to abide by the leak of Helium?

Helium is really rare gas constitute from public in addition to it is believed that it is going to live depleted inward 2030. So, It is our duty every bit cryogenics applied scientific discipline people to salve helium every bit possible every bit nosotros can. We bespeak to await for the leak from the cryogenics organization which involve piece of occupation of helium every bit working gas.

Leak from the organization also drive pitiful vacuum conditions. So, nosotros bespeak to rectify that leakage in addition to endeavor to salve helium. Normally whatever pressurized Helium gas organization is non 100 % leak proof in addition to one's aim is to abide by this leak every bit early on every bit possible in addition to endeavor to  solve this.

How to Operate Helium Leak Detection System?

Here is a measure physical care for to use Helium Leak Detection System.

Helium leak detection organization consists of turbo molecular heart which helps us to abide by the helium gas leaking from system. Connector is the house where sniffer probe is attached amongst proper cable in addition to is directed to leaking signal at the organization in addition to this probe detects the leaking helium inward milibar per 2nd rate.

Normally away from leak point, Helium Leak Detection System detects helium from normal air every bit it contains helium besides in addition to it is of the lodge of 1E-06 milibar per second. When sniffer probe detects helium at leak point, its reading volition increase from 1E-06 to 1E-04 or to a greater extent than depending on the leak rate. Here is the physical care for to operate  Helium Leak Detection System

  1. First brand certain sniffer probe is attached to the Helium Leak Detection System (System)
  2. Do the calibration for organization later most iii months.
  3. Switch ON the organization in addition to it volition demo STAND BY mode
  4. Run the organization for xx minutes in addition to hence press Calibration push (When yous desire to calibrate the system)
  5. Select Internal calibration option.
  6. When organization returns inward STAND BY mode, brand certain that sniffer probe is attached to the system.
  7. Start the leak detection in addition to brand certain sniffer probe is opened upwards to atmosphere where leak is to live determined
  8. Away from the leak point, reading volition live inward damage of 10e-6 due to helium presence inward air in addition to when at that topographic point volition live whatever leak detected, it volition live to a greater extent than than 10e-6, i.e. may live 10e-4,10e-3 mbar/sec
  9. After completion of leak detection, press STOP push in addition to organization volition live returned to STAND BY mode
  10. Press Vent button
  11. Put blank inward house of sniffer attachment.
  12. Start t Gas ballast later 10 min
  13. Switch off the organization   
Note: Do non deed the organization inward spell it is inward hot condition. 


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