Why Cooling Capacity Unit Of Measurement Of Domestic Fridge Together With Air Conditioner (Ac) Is Different?

Have you lot e'er wondered, Why capacity units of the domestic fridge together with Air Conditioner (AC) are dissimilar though both are refrigeration system? What is the basic departure betwixt them alongside abide by to the cooling capacity?

The capacity of the domestic fridge is usually rated inwards 'Litre'.

Litre is genuinely a unit of measurement of book together with it is applicable to the domestic fridge piece dealing alongside space/volume to survive cooled. Thus, liter capacity genuinely indicates the book or infinite to survive cooled past times the domestic refrigerator.

On the other hand, the capacity of Air Conditioner (AC) is given past times term 'Ton of refrigeration'.

What is i Ton refrigeration?

'Ton' is genuinely a advert given to the total of estrus to survive extracted from 1 brusque ton (907.18474 kg) of H2O at 0 flat C to convert it to the H2O ice at the same temperature inwards 24 hours. (Note: 1 large ton = 1016.0469 kg, 1 metric ton = Tonne = thou kg)

In other words, refrigeration charge per unit of measurement required freezing 1 ton of H2O to H2O ice inwards 24 hours at 0 degrees C. 

Thus, 1 Ton of refrigeration = 1 TR = (latent estrus of ice)x(amount of water)/time 

= 334 x 907.18474 /(24 x 3600)
= 3.50 kW

So, both refrigeration arrangement has dissimilar capacity term namely 'Litre' (Space to survive cooled) together with 'Ton' (3.5 kW) liberate energy to survive removed for cooling)

Sumber https://mechworld-pbg.blogspot.com

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