Mechanical Technology Scientific Discipline Of Import Questions

Mechanical Engineering Important Questions

Anna University , Chennai

Department of Mechanical Engineering

R2013 Syllabus Regulation

(I - IV Year Syllabus)
1st Semester :
HS6151 Technical English linguistic communication – I
MA6151 Mathematics – I
PH6151 Engineering Physics – I
CY6151 Engineering Chemistry – I
GE6151 Computer Programming
GE6152 Engineering Graphics


GE6161 Computer Practices Laboratory
GE6162 Engineering Practices Laboratory
GE6163 Physics in addition to Chemistry Laboratory - I

2nd Semester :

HS6251 Technical English linguistic communication – II
MA6251 Mathematics – II
PH6251 Engineering Physics – II
CY6251 Engineering Chemistry – II
GE6252 Basic Electrical in addition to Electronics Engineer
GE6253 Engineering Mechanics 


GE6261 Computer Aided Drafting in addition to Modeling Laboratory
GE6262 Physics in addition to Chemistry Laboratory - II

3rd Semester :

MA6351 Transforms in addition to Partial Differential Equations
CE6306 Strength of Materials
ME6301 Engineering Thermodynamics
CE6451 Fluid Mechanics in addition to Machinery
ME6302 Manufacturing Technology - I
EE6351 Electrical Drives in addition to Controls


ME6311 Manufacturing Technology Laboratory - I
CE6461 Fluid Mechanics in addition to  Machinery Laboratory
EE6365 Electrical Engineering Laboratory

4th Semester :

MA6452 Statistics in addition to  Numerical Methods
ME6401 Kinematics of Machinery

1.       List downwards the laws of friction
2.       Define angle of dwell in addition to tangent cam.
3.       Differentiate machinery in addition to structure
4.       What is meant yesteryear police clit of gearing
5.       Classify constrained motion
6.       What are methods of avoid interference?
7.       Define velocity ratio/gear ratio.
8.       Define anti friction bearing.
9.       State grashof’s police clit (condition for obtain 4 bar chain). State kennadys theorem
10.   What is meant yesteryear instantaneous centre. Equation for decide number of instantaneous centre.
11.   Define rubbing velocity at a pivot point.
12.   What is coriolis element of acceleration. Explain its contion.
13.   Classify types of cam,follower in addition to motion.
14.   What is meant yesteryear undercutting inwards cams.
15.   What is the status for self locking inwards screws.
16.   Gear profile damage (14)
17.   What is meant yesteryear epicyclic,reverterd, idler gear trains.
18.   What are the types of belt drives in addition to its advantages.
19.   What is the maximum efficiency of screw. Condition. Equation. Problem.
20.   State depression plane of complexity.

ME6402 Manufacturing Technology– II
ME6403 Engineering Materials in addition to Metallurgy
GE6351 Environmental Science in addition to Engineering

  1. what is meant yesteryear smog?
  2. what is meant yesteryear PAN?
  3. what are the types of conservation of biodiversity?
  4. what is meant yesteryear sustainable development?
  5. what is meant yesteryear nuclear accident/holocaust?
  6. what is meant yesteryear dark-green solid effect/ global warming?
  7. what is importance of risk in addition to hazard?
  8. what are the types of ecological cycle?
  9. what is meant yesteryear resettlement in addition to rehabiliation?
  10. what is meant yesteryear H2O logging?
  11. what are the H2O character parameters?
  12. what is meant yesteryear EIA?
  13. what are the dissimilar types of natural disaster?
  14. what is meant yesteryear hotspots? what are hotspots inwards india?
  15. what is meant yesteryear ecological succesion?
  16. what is meant yesteryear acid rain?
  17. what is meant yesteryear ozone layer depletion?
  18. what is meant yesteryear waste matter dry reason reclamation?
  19. what is meant yesteryear exploitation of minerals?
  20. what is meant yesteryear soil pollution?
13 marks

1) explicate the role of information technology on surround protection in addition to health.
2) write curt notes on 
    i) women in addition to shaver welfare
   ii) population explosion in addition to its effects
3) i) explicate the procedure of solid waste matter management
    ii) explicate diverse command devices of air pollution.
4) what is meant yesteryear biodiversity? explicate its values in addition to threats to biodiversity.
5) explicate dissimilar types of unloose energy resources.
6) explicate the construction in addition to business office of whatever i of ecosystem (forest,grassland,desert,aquatic)
7) explicate the diverse deed related to environment.(forest, water, air, wildlife)
8) explicate the next H2O conservation techniques
    i) rainwater harvesting
   ii) watershed management
9) write curt notes on 
   i) deforestation
   ii) problems involved inwards constructing the big dams
10) write curt notes on 
   i)noise pollution
   ii) thermal pollution
  iii) marine pollution
  iv) nuclear hazard

ME6404 Thermal Engineering 


  1. define air measure efficiency in addition to hateful effective pressure
  2. Draw the Valve in addition to Port timing diagram
  3. functions of Carburetor.
  4. draw the diagram of battery in addition to magneto ignition system.
  5. what is knocking
  6. what is meant yesteryear critical pressure level ratio.
  7. different methods of compounding/purpose of compounding.
  8. difference betwixt impulse in addition to reaction turbine
  9. phenomenon of super saturated expansion
  10. define nozzle efficiency
  11. effect of friction of menses through nozzle.
  12. draw PV & TS diagram of gas mightiness cycles.
  13. advantages of multistage compressor.
  14. define volumetric in addition to isothermal efficiency of air compressor.
  15. define gratuitous air delivery (FAD).
  16. define 1 ton of refridgeration.
  17. what is meant yesteryear COP.
  18. properties of skillful refridgerent.
  19. define the following. RSHF, FSHF, BPF, ESHF
  20. purpose of governing/ types of governing
13 marks.
  1. diesel wheel in addition to dual wheel work (unit 1)
  2. IC engine components/ 2 stroke vs 4 stroke engine/ SI vs CI engine
  3. lubrication systems/fuel injector types
  4. heat residuum canvass problem
  5. nozzle (problem)
  6. turbine (problem)
  7. compressor work (with clearance in addition to without clearance)
  8. volumetric efficiency (derivation)
  9. vapour abosorbtion in addition to vapour compression organization (theory)
  10. psychometric problem
ME6411 Manufacturing Technology Laboratory–II
ME6412 Thermal Engineering Laboratory - I
CE6315 Strength of Materials Laboratory

5th Semester :

ME6501 Computer Aided Design
ME6502 Heat in addition to Mass Transfer
ME6503 Design of Machine Elements
ME6504 Metrology in addition to Measurements

  1. define readability in addition to repeatability.
  2. define reliability in addition to reproducability
  3. what are the elements of metrology.
  4. explain the dissimilar types of standards.
  5. what are the diverse types of linear measuring instruments?
  6. mention whatever 4 angular measuring instruments?
  7. what practise y'all meant yesteryear bound gauges?
  8. write curt notes on bevel protracter.
  9. mention the advantages using Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation inwards metrology.
  10. what are the applications of CMM.
  11. define machine vision.
  12. mention the devices used for measuring roundness.
  13. what is meant yesteryear best wire size inwards thread measurement?
  14. what are the diverse methods used for measuring gear molar thickness.
  15. give the regulation of hot wire anemometer.
  16. what is meant yesteryear charge cells?
  17. list whatever mehtods employed inwards measuring torque.
  18. explain the working regulation of bimetalic strip.
  19. write curt notes on rotameter.
  20. write curt notes on sensitivity.
13 marks

  1. describe the types of errors in addition to its causes.
  2. i) give the construction of the generalised mensuration system. ii) amongst suitable illustration differentiate precision in addition to accuracy
  3. i) explicate the working regulation of angle dekkor amongst dandy sketch. also write the applications.ii) explicate the construction in addition to working of an autocollimator amongst dandy sketch.
  4. what is meant yesteryear comparator? explicate the dissimilar types of comparator in addition to its applications.ii)write curt notes on  i) bound gauges ii)interchangability
  5. explain the construction in addition to working of dissimilar CMM in addition to its applications.
  6. i) amongst the dandy sketch explicate the construction of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation interferrometer. ii)write curt notes on machine vision system.
  7. i)expalin the diverse types of thread mensuration techniques. ii) explicate the next molar thickness mensuration a) constant chord method b) base of operations tangent method
  8. explain the construction in addition to working of i) tomlinson surface meter ii) profilometer iii)tool maker microscope.
  9. discuss nearly the whatever 2 type of temperature measurement.
  10. discuss the whatever 2 type of mightiness measurement.

ME6505 Dynamics of Machines
GE6075 Professional Ethics inwards Engineering 

  1.  what  is meant yesteryear moral leadership?
  2. what is meant yesteryear code of conduct?
  3. what is meant yesteryear corporate responsibility?
  4. what is meant yesteryear occupational crime?
  5. what is collective bargaining?
  6. what is IPR?
  7. what is meant yesteryear prophylactic exit?
  8. define: safety,risk in addition to disaster
  9. give the limitation of codes
  10. what is meant yesteryear informed consent?
  11. what are the senses of applied scientific discipline ethics?
  12. define moral autonomy in addition to moral dilema.
  13. define: moral, value in addition to ethics
  14. what is service learning?
  15. define: piece of work ethics.
  16. what is integrity?
  17. define empathy in addition to sprituality.
  18. what practise y'all sympathize yesteryear balanced outlook of a law?
  19. what is meant yesteryear whistle blowing?
  20. state the significance of self interest.
13 marks

  1. discuss the next in detail.
  2. discuss the next inwards detail.
  3. i)what are the primary elements of IPR.give illustration of discrimination. ii) define risk practise goodness analysis.state the necessity of this.
  4. i)write curt notes on occupational crime. ii) distinguish betwixt employee rights  and professional person rights.
  5. explain inwards item nearly engineers every bit responsible experiments.
  6. i) compare in addition to contrast applied scientific discipline experiment amongst measure experiment. ii) explicate inwards item nearly a ) balanced outlook of an police clit b) engineeing every bit experimentation
  7. discuss inwards item nearly i) gilligons theory ii) kohlbergs theory
  8. discuss inwards details the diverse theories nearly correct action
  9. explain the role of yoga in addition to meditation inwards the acre of professional person excellence in addition to stress management.
  10. write curt notes on i) civic virtue ii) caring in addition to sharing iii) graphic symbol in addition to spirituallity iv) self confidence.


ME6511 Dynamics Laboratory
ME6512 Thermal Engineering Laboratory-II
ME6513 Metrology in addition to Measurements Laboratory

6th Semester :

ME6601 Design of Transmission Systems
MG6851 Principles of Management
ME6602 Automobile Engineering
ME6603 Finite Element Analysis


1.       Define CST, LST in addition to QST element. And its properties.
2.       What is meant yesteryear node or joint.
3.       Define streamline, dynamic analysis, shape function.
4.       Differentiate  global coordinates, natural coordinates in addition to local coordinates.
5.       What is meant yesteryear transverse vibration.
6.       Define flow business office for i dimensional in addition to 2 dimensional incompressible flow.
7.       What is meant yesteryear stiffness matrix. List out the properties.
8.       What is meant yesteryear Rayleigh ritz method. Mention the steps involved.
9.       What is meant yesteryear axisymmetric chemical element (problem). Mention the applications.
10.   What is meant yesteryear higher venture elements state its advantages.
11.   What is constitutive law.
12.   What practise y'all meant yesteryear isoparametric formulation.
13.   Define shape function.
14.   Why polynomial type of interpolation problems are preferred?
15.   What is meant yesteryear compaction chemical element in addition to its types in addition to advantages.
16.   Differentiate bird stress in addition to bird strain analysis.

ME6604 Gas Dynamics in addition to Jet Propulsion
2 marks

  1. difference betwixt compressible in addition to incompressible fluid flow?
  2. define stagnation state, stagnation pressure level in addition to stagnation temperature.
  3. what are the dissimilar regions of compressible flow?
  4. what is meant yesteryear mach number? explicate its uses.
  5. define zone of activeness in addition to zone of quiet amongst dandy sketch.
  6. differentiate nozzle in addition to diffuser.
  7. define rayleigh menses in addition to fanno flow.
  8. sketch rayleigh line in addition to fanno line.
  9. give 2 practical examples for rayleigh menses in addition to fanno flow.
  10. give assumptions made for rayleigh menses in addition to fanno flow.
  11. differentiate normal in addition to oblique daze wave.
  12. what are the applications of daze wave
  13. what are assumptions of daze wave?
  14. what are the assumptions made inwards oblique shock.
  15. draw the normal daze hs diagram in addition to rayleigh bend in addition to fanno curve.
  16. shock waves cannot produced inwards subsonic flow.why?
  17. difference betwixt ramjet in addition to turbojet.
  18. difference betwixt ramjet in addition to pulsejet.
  19. difference betwixt turbo prop in addition to turbofan.
  20. what is meant yesteryear thrust augumentation.what are the benefits.
  21. compare solid in addition to liquid propellant.
  22. define rocket engines.and course of written report (types of rocket engines)
  23. define monopropellant in addition to bi propellant in addition to hyperbolic propellant.
  24. what are the benefits in addition to adverse effects of daze wave.
  25. what is afterburner inwards turbojet engine.
  26. what is meant yesteryear chocked flow.
  27. define propulsive efficiency.
  28. define the strength of daze wave.
  29. write downwards rankine hugonoit equation.
  30. difference betwixt rocket in addition to jet propulsion.
13 grade (theory questions)
  1. expalin the construction in addition to working of
    1. ramjet engine
    2. turbojet engine
  2. explain the construction in addition to working of 
    1. turbo propellar engine
    2. turbo fan engine
  3. explain the follwing inwards item (diagram,properties,working)
    1. liquid propellant
    2. solid propellant
    3. hybrid propellant
  4. explain the rocket turbo heart feed system,ignition organization in addition to combustion system.
  5. explain the diverse types of rocket engines (nuclear, electrical(plasma arc,ion rocket, magnet plasma),solar).
  6. derive
    1. prandtl meyar equation
    2. po-p1/1/2pc2=1+m2/4+m2/40+....

  1. unit 1
    1. compressible flow
      1. sonic velocity
      2. constant duct
      3. flight altitude
      4. boening
    2. nozzle in addition to diffuser
      1. without throat
      2. throat properties
      3. power developed
      4. force exerted
  2. unit 2
    1. rayleigh menses (4 problems)
    2. fanno menses (4 problems)
  3. unit 2
    1. normal shock
      1. upstream velocity
      2. c-d nozzle (2 problems)
      3. subsonic diffuser
    2. oblique daze (4 problems)
  4. unit 4
    1. thrust (3 problems)
    2. efficiency (1 problem)
  5. unit 5
    1. thrust (3 problems)
    2. space (1 problems)

Elective - I  Unconventional Machining Process


ME6611 C.A.D. / C.A.M. Laboratory
ME6612 Design in addition to Fabrication Project
GE6563 Communication Skills - Laboratory Based

7th Semester :

ME6701 Power Plant Engineering 

2 marks

13 marks
  1. Explain the construction in addition to layout of thermal mightiness constitute amongst dandy sketch.
  2. explain the construction in addition to layout of diesel fuel mightiness constitute amongst dandy sketch.
  3. explain the construction in addition to layout of nuclear mightiness constitute amongst dandy sketch/ types of nuclear reactor.
  4. explain the construction in addition to layout of hydro electrical mightiness constitute amongst dandy sketch.
  5. i) explicate the diverse nuclear disposal methods used inwards nuclear mightiness plant. ii) mightiness rating (problem)
  6. i) coal in addition to ash treatment organization ii) types of fluidized bed combustion
  7. i) how to amend the efficiency of gas turbine mightiness constitute ii) cogeneration plant
  8. i) tidal unloose energy ii) sea thermal energy
  9. safety measures inwards nucleat mightiness plants.
  10. i) fuel prison theatre cellphone ii) geo thermal energy 

ME6702 Mechatronics 

2 marks

  1. define mechatronics amongst graphical representation.
  2. what is meant choice of sensor.
  3. differentiate microprocessor in addition to microcontroller.
  4. what is meant yesteryear plc.
  5. compare traditional pattern amongst mectronics design.
  6. what is meant yesteryear hall number sensor.
  7. what is meant yesteryear eddy electrical flow sensor.
  8. what are the elements of mechatronic system.
  9. what is the postulate for mechatronics?
  10. what are the emerging areas of mechatronics
  11. what are the 5 types of teaching set?
  12. what is meant yesteryear jump control.
  13. what is meant yesteryear internal relay?
  14. what is meant yesteryear shift register.
  15. what is meant yesteryear fundamental debouncing.
  16. what is meant yesteryear keyboard interfacing?
  17. types of mechatronic system.
  18. Pin configuration of 8085.
  19. what are the types of addressing modes.
  20. functions of accumulator.
  21. what is meant yesteryear mnemonics?
  22. what are the types of information handling.
  23. what is meant yesteryear latching.
  24. what are the diverse types of flag.
  25. block diagram of ADC in addition to DAC circuit.
13 marks
  1. a) explicate the static in addition to dynamic feature of sensor. b) write curt notes on follwing i) displacement senor ii) temperature sensor ii) low-cal sensor
  2. explain the architecture of microprocessor 8085 amongst dandy sketch.
  3. explain the architecture of  microcotroller 8051 amongst dandy sketch.
  4. explain the operating modes of 8255 PPI.
  5. explain the architecture/block diagram of PLC.
  6. Case studies
    1. engine management system
    2. automatic machine commons barrier sytem
    3. pick in addition to identify robot
7. write curt notes on 
     i) timer
 ii) counter
iii) internal relay
iv) mnemonics
8. illustration studies
 i) stepper motor command interface
ii) traffic command interface
9. explicate the construction in addition to working of 
 i) stepper motor
 ii)  servo motor

ME6703 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 


2 marks

1. differentiate CAD in addition to CAM
2. what are the levels of automation
3.what is meant yesteryear JIT?
4. what is meant yesteryear thin manufacturing
5. what are the types of production
6. what is meant yesteryear procedure planning
7. what is meant yesteryear capacity planning
8.what is meant yesteryear grouping technology
9. what is meant yesteryear composite percentage concept.
10 what are the types of coding system.
11. what are stages inwards the production menses analysis
12. what is meant yesteryear percentage family.
13. outline pitch, yaw in addition to ringlet amongst dandy sketch.
14.define FMS.
15.List out the types of fabric treatment equipment.
16.list out the types of flexibility.
17. listing out the methods of robot programming.
18.define MRP II.
19. what is meant yesteryear ERP.
20.what is meant yesteryear robot repeatability in addition to accuracy.
21. what is meant yesteryear cellular manufacturing.
22. what are the applications of AGV.
23. what are the applications of industrial robot.
24. what is meant yesteryear aggregate production planning?
25. what is meant yesteryear master copy production schedule.

16 marks
1. Explain the next inwards detail.
 i) figurer aided design
ii) Computer aided Manufacturing
2. i) what are the computerised elements of CIM?
ii)What are the basic elements of automated system.
3. what is meant yesteryear CAPP. explicate its types.
4. Explain the next inwards detail.
 i) fabric Requirement Planning
ii) Shop Floor Control
5. Explain the next coding system.
i) D shape ii) MI shape iii) optiz coding system
6. Explain the dissimilar types of machine prison theatre cellphone layout.
7. what is meant yesteryear FMS. components of FMS.explain its types.
8.what is meant yesteryear AGV. types of AGV. path guidance technology.
9 a) robot configuration
   b) sensor in addition to goal effector used inwards robot
10) a ) robot programming languages
b) robot repeatability in addition to accuracy

GE6757 Total Quality Management

Elective – II PPCE

Elective – III Maintenance Engineering 


ME6711 Simulation in addition to Analysis Laboratory
ME6712 Mechatronics Laboratory
ME6713 Comprehension

8th Semester :

MG6863 Engineering Economics

Elective – IV Advanced IC engines
2 marks.

  1. List downwards the air fuel ratio requirements.
  2. what is meant yesteryear pre igntion.
  3. what are the dissimilar air fuel ratio in addition to its significance.
  4. what are the factors that influence flaming speed.
  5. what is meant yesteryear ignation lag.
  6. differentiate straight in addition to indirect injection (DI And IDI)
  7. what is meant yesteryear octane in addition to cetane number. explicate its significance.
  8. diffentiate spark knock in addition to diesel fuel knock.
  9. explain the types of turbocharge.what is the utilisation of turbocharger.
  10. what is meant yesteryear induction swirl. explicate its advantages.
  11. what is the regulation of Flame ionization detector (FID).
  12. differentiate smoke in addition to particulate emission.
  13. differentiate 3 means in addition to 2 means catalytic converter.
  14. can alcohol hold upward used inwards CI engines.
  15. define accuse stratification.
  16.  what is meant yesteryear accuse amplifier. what is utilisation of it.
  17. advantages. disadvantages, properties, engine modifications for alternative fuels (hydrogen, LPG,CNG, alcohol, biodiesel)
  18. principle in addition to functioning of a stratified accuse engine?

13 marks

1)i)explain the diverse stages of combustion inwards SI engine amongst P-θ diagram
   ii) Explain the diverse types of combustion chambers inwards SI engines.
2) i) explicate amongst dandy sketch , diverse types of multipoint fuel injection systems used inwards SI engines.
  ii) explicate the diverse factor affecting knocking (phenomenon of knocking, normal in addition to abnormal combustion).
3) i)explain the diverse stages of combustion inwards CI engine amongst P-θ diagram
   ii) Explain the diverse types of combustion chambers inwards CI engines.
4) i) amongst the dandy sketch explicate the constrction in addition to working of turbo charger.
   ii) explicate the diverse factors affection fuel spray penetration. (fuel spray techniques)
5) i)discuss briefly the HC, CO in addition to NO pollutant formation mechanismin a SI engine.
   ii) explicate the next emission controlling devices amongst dandy sketch
        1. 3 means catalytic converter
        2. exhaust gas recirculator
6) i) what are the diverse types of instruments used for mensuration of emission from IC engines.
   ii) write curt notes on 1) mensuration of smoke 2)particulate emission
7) i) explicate the performance,combustion, emission properties of hydrogen fuel.
   ii) explain the performance,combustion, emission properties of alchohol in addition to CNG.
8) i)explain the performance,combustion, emission properties of biodiesel in addition to LPG fuel.
   ii) explicate inwards item the engine alteration of alternative fuel.
9) Explain the next inwards detail.
    1) HCCI
     2) CRDI
10) explicate the next inwards detail.
      1)  Variable Geometry Turbocharger. VGT
      2) hybrid electrical vechicle

Elective – V Production Planning in addition to Control

1.       Differentiate MRPII in addition to ERP. What are only about ERP packages?
2.       Define JIT in addition to EOQ.
3.       Define piece of work written report in addition to method written report in addition to its objectives.
4.       What is meant yesteryear pause fifty-fifty analysis in addition to BEP. Write its significance.
5.       Define procedure  planning in addition to production planning
6.       Define kanban organization  and its types / 2 bin system
7.       What is meant yesteryear production control/objectives/need/functions/benefits.
8.       What is meant yesteryear piece of work measurement. What are the tools/ techniques used for fourth dimension measurement.
9.       What is meant yesteryear gnatt nautical chart in addition to ABC analysis .
10.   Classify the types of production systems.
11.   What is meant scheduling in addition to its objectives.
12.   What is meant yesteryear production sequencing in addition to priority rules.
13.   What is meant yesteryear MPS in addition to LOB.
14.   Define inventory in addition to inventory command in addition to its types./ objectives of inventory control
15.   What are the inventory costs.
16.   Steps involved inwards method written report in addition to fourth dimension study.
17.   Define stadartization in addition to specialization
18.   What are the elements of JIT.


ME6811 Project Work


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