Mechanical engineering software: A Legacy Of Engineering Instruction | Intelligence Article - Lehigh Academy News

Mechanical engineering software: Whenever Professor John Ochs walks to a greater extent than or less Lehigh’s campus—as he has done quite ofttimes for nearly xl years—he likes to assist visitors who appear to live lost.

Mechanical engineering software: Recently, Ochs noticed a automobile amongst an out-of-state license plate equally it pulled to the curb close the Wilbur Annex. He walked over to offering directions.

Mechanical engineering software: “The adult woman rolled downward the window in addition to looked at me in addition to said, ‘Professor Ochs! ... I took your cast inwards 1980, the initiatory off CAD-CAM class. I was a woman soul engineer. I took the class, in addition to it has driven the remainder of my entire professional person life,’” Ochs recalls.

Mechanical engineering software: The woman, it turns out, didn’t demand directions at all: She was picking upward her daughter, a pupil at Lehigh.

Mechanical engineering software: “I said, ‘Well, y'all but made my day.’ To me, that’s what’s important,” says Ochs.

Mechanical engineering software: That influence, which Ochs has had over countless students, is a hallmark of a career dedicated to applied scientific discipline education. Ochs volition retire inwards 2019 later iv decades at Lehigh. Those many years, he says, withdraw hold presented him amongst “the chance to touching on both how I learn in addition to how students learn.”

Mechanical engineering software: As the founder in addition to manager of Lehigh's Technical Entrepreneurship (TE) program in addition to manager of the professional master's program (M. Eng) inwards Technical Entrepreneurship, Ochs’ touching on is without question.

Mechanical engineering software: “If John were inwards accuse of applied scientific discipline pedagogy inwards America, it would live a transformation. It wouldn’t live but what we’re doing correct now,” says his closed colleague Jerry Lennon, yesteryear deputy provost for academic affairs in addition to college associate dean, in addition to electrical flow professor of H2O resources engineering.

A Passion for Teaching

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs arrived at Lehigh inwards 1979, having but completed his Ph.D. inwards acoustics at Penn State. The academy was looking to growth its capacity for pattern in addition to hands-on lab opportunities for students, in addition to Ochs’ unique background in addition to sense stand upward for the bill.

Mechanical engineering software: While at Penn State, Ochs had go involved amongst a National Science Foundation grant to learn vox communication pathology in addition to audiology students, who typically don’t withdraw hold much background inwards mathematics,  the fundamentals of acoustics, which involves a corking bargain of math. The squad decided to usage figurer graphics to assist students empathize key concepts. They developed their ain figurer animation software in addition to began animating key acoustics equations thus the students could visualize the phenomena of sound in addition to vibration. At the same time, Penn State was exploring computer-aided pattern (CAD) in addition to computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology.

Mechanical engineering software: “There were no CAD-CAM systems anywhere inwards academia,” Ochs says. “They were beingness used yesteryear aerospace companies, in addition to thus I saw this equally a corking opportunity. I was teaching vox communication pathology in addition to audiology at Penn State at the time, the fundamentals of acoustics, in addition to I enjoyed teaching. So I basically said, ‘I’m non going to go into industry, I'm going to teach. I desire to teach.’ I was non interested inwards doing research. The only inquiry I was interested inwards doing was: How do I go a improve teacher?”

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs accepted a seat equally a tenure-track faculty fellow member at Lehigh, charged amongst developing the university’s labs in addition to improving its approach to pattern education.

Mechanical engineering software: “I was hired to improve the lineament in addition to the content of our curriculum,” he says.

Mechanical engineering software: Computer-aided pattern in addition to computer-aided manufacturing courses at Lehigh began presently later Ochs’ arrival, amongst the add-on of CAD-CAM systems to the mechanical, industrial in addition to civil applied scientific discipline departments. This kicked off an evolution of applied scientific discipline courses at Lehigh.

Mechanical engineering software: “Once y'all pattern it, straight off y'all desire to brand it. And thus straight off y'all desire to innovate into the curriculum manufacturing,” Ochs explains. He in addition to John Coulter, professor of mechanical applied scientific discipline in addition to mechanics in addition to straight off associate dean for inquiry in addition to operations, took courses at MIT to prepare a manufacturing course of report for Lehigh.

‘Failure Is a Great Teacher’

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs’ knowledge of CAD-CAM engineering enabled him to run in addition to engage other faculty members inwards teaching curt courses for manufacture equally good equally serve equally a consultant for diverse companies. These manufacture contacts also provided opportunities for Ochs to prepare his ain entrepreneurial expertise through the formation of several companies, including i that rose from a grant Ochs received from Johnson & Johnson to shorten the manufacturing fourth dimension of surgical instruments, some other that involved a smart neonatal incubator that would create a babe who had stopped breathing to forestall Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in addition to a 3rd that brought him dorsum to the acre of acoustics amongst the evolution of an all-plastic electrical violin, the Spitfire. Some ventures were to a greater extent than successful than others, says Ochs, but all offered valuable learning experiences.

Mechanical engineering software: “[There is] a lot of learning inwards the process,” he says. “Failure is a corking teacher.”

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs also continued his consulting run for Johnson & Johnson, which included assisting bringing to marketplace a device called a coronary stent, used inwards balloon angioplasty procedures of which, he says amongst a chuckle, he is “now the unfortunate owner of four.”

Mechanical engineering software: Extensive exposure to manufacture applications of technology, says Ochs, provided “many, many opportunities to do real-world applied scientific discipline kinds of projects, all of which I brought dorsum into the class.”
Real-World Experiences for Engineering Students

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs took over Lehigh’s existing applied scientific discipline capstone computer programme inwards the early on 1990s. Then, inwards 1994, along amongst Todd Watkins, straight off executive manager of Lehigh’s Martindale Center for the Study of Private Enterprise in addition to manager of the Microfinance Program, in addition to Berrisford Boothe, associate professor of art, he piloted the Integrated Product Development (IPD) program. The computer programme started inwards earnest amongst nine students inwards 1996.

Mechanical engineering software: Today, the IPD computer programme is known equally the Technical Entrepreneurship (TE) capstone because of a shift inwards students’ interests away from manufacture projects in addition to toward to a greater extent than entrepreneurial ventures.

Mechanical engineering software: “We institute that a typical engineer/business major would desire to stand upward for inwards somewhere,” explains Ochs.
“They desire to live inwards technical sales, they desire to live inwards manufacturing, they desire to live involved inwards the pattern stage. But straight off nosotros had a whole cast of students who wanted to prepare their ain products.  They are our side yesteryear side generation of entrepreneurs.”

Mechanical engineering software: The TE capstone computer programme consists of a laid of courses available to students from whatsoever Lehigh college equally good equally opportunities to run amongst students from other disciplines on a real-world, industry-sponsored or student-startup project. Today, the computer programme has 230 students on 31 teams working on 25 projects. Sabrina Jedlicka, associate professor of materials scientific discipline in addition to bioengineering, straight off serves equally director.

Mechanical engineering software: “It’s non plenty but to innovate,” says Ochs. “You withdraw hold to, inwards fact, commercialize that innovation. If y'all withdraw hold patents that but sit down on the shelf that are unique innovations, who cares? We demand the people who volition Pb the physical care for to choose that to the market. And those are called entrepreneurs.”

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs’ dedication to in addition to passion for pedagogy has prepared many of those entrepreneurs for real-world success.

Mechanical engineering software: Marco Perry ’92, founder of the production pattern line of piece of work solid Pensa, was a mechanical applied scientific discipline major when Ochs began offering airplane pilot courses inwards IPD in addition to mechanical applied scientific discipline design, but at the beginning, the courses would often live cancelled due to depression enrollment. When Ochs finally launched the IPD program, Perry had already graduated.

Mechanical engineering software: “I was really jealous of younger students who had the powerfulness to choose that program,” says Perry. “Since I didn't desire to give up, I went to a pattern graduate computer programme in addition to pursued pattern engineering, to a greater extent than often than non driven yesteryear my passion to invent in addition to everything I learned from the classes that John taught. I institute everything I learned inwards his classes to live thus fascinating in addition to his teaching vogue thus slow to larn from. Complex concepts were broken downward into simple-to-understand English. We to a greater extent than often than non learned how to think, how to approach a work in addition to that opened many doors inwards my career.”

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs has since invited Perry to verbalize to his classes nigh the pattern physical care for he uses at Pensa.

Mechanical engineering software: “I seek to convey that everything they are learning from John's classes are really used inwards a professional person practice,” Perry says.

Mechanical engineering software: Pat Clasen ’04 ’07G , manager of finance for the reef aquarium society EcoTech Marine, participated inwards the IPD computer programme inwards its earliest days, in addition to at that topographic point he met his line of piece of work concern partner, EcoTech Marine president, Tim Marks ’04 ’06G. Marks was the program’s initiatory off full-time graduate student.

Mechanical engineering software: “We were applied scientific discipline students in addition to had an thought for an aquarium product,” recalls Clasen. “I got a flier at i of my classes that told us nigh an ‘invitation to innovate’ at the time, which was a scholarship to run amongst the IPD computer programme in addition to run amongst other students on a projection of a line of piece of work concern thought of your ain making. We ended upward applying for that, in addition to that took us to a business.”

Mechanical engineering software: The team’s initiatory off projection didn’t go anywhere, says Clasen. “We didn’t sell it. It wasn’t until our instant thought that nosotros came upward amongst in addition to prototyped that nosotros had whatsoever commercial success.”

Mechanical engineering software: The squad persevered. Today, EcoTech Marine employs to a greater extent than than 50 people inwards the Lehigh Valley.

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs, he says, believed inwards those who were passionate nigh what they were doing.

Mechanical engineering software: “There were many times throughout our careers where people thought, ‘Okay, these guys desire to brand equipment for aquariums. Well, that can’t live a really large market. That mightiness non run thus well.’ But John believed in addition to John was supportive throughout the years of us developing the company,” he says. “And it enabled us to acquire to where nosotros are.”

Mechanical engineering software: Clasen calls Ochs “the grand orator of the IPD seminar.”

Mechanical engineering software: “John, inwards my opinion, is a visionary in addition to i of the kinds of folks that could reckon the bigger pic of how invention in addition to inventiveness fuel businesses in addition to pattern in addition to production development. And he was really an architect at Lehigh of what has go an enormous, successful program. As a result, he has been a well-respected in addition to well-loved man.”

Expanding Entrepreneurship at Lehigh

Mechanical engineering software: The belatedly 1990s in addition to early on 2000s were a fourth dimension of meaning growth for entrepreneurship at Lehigh. The academy inwards 1999 started the Integrated Business in addition to Engineering (IBE) Honors Program at Lehigh, in addition to Ochs taught that first-year course of report for its initiatory off v years. In 2002, Lehigh launched an entrepreneurship pocket-sized amongst the infrastructure inwards house to back upward student-driven projects. In 2003, Ochs in addition to his colleagues moved from a cramped infinite inwards Packard Lab to a newly renovated Wilbur Powerhouse, which Ochs calls “a house for where pattern in addition to entrepreneurship meet.”

Mechanical engineering software: At that time, Ochs also helped start the Entrepreneurship in addition to Engineering Innovation segmentation of the American Society of Engineering Educators. Through that he met Robert Kern, founder of the Kern Family Foundation in addition to the Kern Engineering Entrepreneurship Network (KEEN), a network of schools committed to developing an entrepreneurial mindset inwards applied scientific discipline students. Ochs brought Lehigh into the network.

Mechanical engineering software: “The mindset [KEEN is] focusing on is defined specifically equally reawakening creative curiosity, pursuing collaborative connections, in addition to creating value,” says Ochs. “You desire to engage faculty who genuinely believe inwards teaching in addition to teaching undergraduates in addition to the high-quality teaching of undergraduates, in addition to they know it’s worth the effort.”

Mechanical engineering software: Lehigh is inwards the concluding phases of a four-year grant that supports applied scientific discipline faculty equally they prepare novel modules for their courses in addition to portion them across the KEEN network. Lennon was i of the initiatory off faculty members Ochs recruited to participate inwards KEEN.

Mechanical engineering software: “[Ochs is] the type of soul that tin motivate 75 applied scientific discipline faculty—more than half—to do something that nosotros recognize nosotros ought to live doing, inwards my opinion, but isn’t on the high priority of what y'all acquire rewarded for … Few people tin acquire over one-half of the applied scientific discipline faculty to do something that’s depression on their official recognition list,” says Lennon.

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs became an associate of the Baker Institute for Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Innovation, which was endowed yesteryear Dexter Baker ’50 ’57G ’81H inwards 2010. The Baker Institute is dedicated to the advancement of entrepreneurial pedagogy for the entire Lehigh community. Todd Watkins served equally its initiatory off leader, followed yesteryear Lisa Getzler, both amongst the aim of infecting Lehigh students amongst an entrepreneurial mindset.

Mechanical engineering software: 2011 saw Ochs laid out the master’s flat inwards technical entrepreneurship (TE), a one-year, 30-credit professional person master's computer programme opened upward to students amongst whatsoever type of undergraduate degree. He spent a twelvemonth traveling in addition to researching the best schools for pupil startups earlier edifice a dedicated curriculum focused alone on how to launch a business.

Mechanical engineering software: “When y'all sit down dorsum in addition to await at startups, nosotros withdraw hold an entire infrastructure inwards this soil for research-based commercialization,” says Ochs. “... Everything is focused on research-based commercialization because everybody wants the side yesteryear side Gatorade or the side yesteryear side whatever. They’re rare. But nosotros withdraw hold a mandate in addition to it makes sense to withdraw hold our faculty thinking inwards damage of how to commercialize their research. But then, from my sense working equally an entrepreneur in addition to working amongst diverse students inwards IPD in addition to TE, at that topographic point was aught at that topographic point for regular students.”

Mechanical engineering software: Lehigh’s master’s flat inwards technical entrepreneurship program, straight off inwards its 7th cohort, has seen the launch of over xxx companies.

Mechanical engineering software: “In i twelvemonth y'all withdraw hold to create a novel production in addition to launch a novel business,” says Ochs. “If y'all withdraw hold an thought for a product, [if y'all are] but interested inwards learning to a greater extent than nigh it, inwards i twelvemonth you’ll do what nosotros telephone telephone ‘learn yesteryear launching.’ You volition launch a novel business, you’ll create a novel production or service. And y'all withdraw hold to do it to graduate.”

Mechanical engineering software: The constituent of Jodie Johnson, assistant manager of the technical entrepreneurship computer programme in addition to KEEN coordinator, provides plentiful evidence of these pupil line of piece of work concern ventures. Student production samples adorn tables, shelves, in addition to fifty-fifty the walls of the space. Johnson says she witnesses Ochs’ influence on a daily basis.

Mechanical engineering software: “He’s had a huge touching on on students that withdraw hold taken the TE Capstone in addition to TE master’s programs,” she says. “There isn’t a solar daytime that goes yesteryear that someone from upward to 20-plus years agone sends a annotation or drops in—even quondam international students visiting United States of America choose the fourth dimension to halt in—to say, ‘Thank you! … I am where I am today, because of the courses y'all taught.’”

Mechanical engineering software: Johnson is personally thankful for Ochs’ mentorship equally well.

Mechanical engineering software: “I withdraw hold been hither a long fourth dimension in addition to withdraw hold learned thus really much from him over the yesteryear vii years working amongst him. He has helped me grow professionally yesteryear beingness yesteryear his side on a daily basis. The history in addition to knowledge he has of the academy is remarkably amazing. He goes straight yesteryear the mass … He’s helped write that book, thus [he] knows it front end to dorsum in addition to ever seems to withdraw hold the correct respond or solution. His passion in addition to usage are completely geared towards the students in addition to wanting them to succeed.”

Mechanical engineering software: Mike Lehman, professor of do inwards mechanical applied scientific discipline in addition to mechanics, came to Lehigh to assist launch the master’s flat program.

Mechanical engineering software: "When I initiatory off met John inwards 2003 at the National Collegiate Inventors in addition to Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) annual meeting, he was an instant mentor, sharing his experiences in addition to approaches to innovative pedagogy models,” says Lehman. “Joining John at Lehigh to launch the master’s flat inwards Technical Entrepreneurship volition ever live a career highlight—I larn something novel from John every fourth dimension nosotros speak."

‘Reinvent Yourself at Lehigh’

Mechanical engineering software: Lennon recalls Ochs’ exuberant presentations at admissions data sessions for high schoolhouse students in addition to parents—presentations that no other faculty fellow member wanted to follow.

Mechanical engineering software: “He’d thunder out in addition to captivate the audience, maxim things like, ‘Innovation occurs at the intersection of disciplines.’ ‘Unleash your creativity!’ ‘Reinvent yourself at Lehigh!’” says Lennon.

Mechanical engineering software: It would seem that Ochs, inwards some ways, reinvented himself at Lehigh, in addition to he is proud of what he’s built at the university. But when asked nigh his proudest accomplishment, he does non hesitate: “That’s simple: It’s my wife. She’s been my partner for 50 years. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me … We withdraw hold iii boys, vii grandchildren. And it’s the most of import thing I ever did. Period.”

Mechanical engineering software: “He’s a wonderful human in addition to I withdraw hold been blessed to withdraw hold institute this guy,” his wife, Anne, says. “… It’s been an amazing, joyous ride. Professionally, I mean value he’s a goodness man, but also a corking role model equally far equally how to live a goodness married adult man in addition to a goodness father.”

Mechanical engineering software: Ochs has long offered this challenge to his students: “There’s no improve social touching on than creating jobs for both yourself in addition to other people. So that’s the challenge: I’m challenging y'all to choose what you’ve got hither inwards this environs in addition to plow it into your personal portfolio of novel products in addition to novel ventures thus that y'all tin Pb the side yesteryear side generation of pupil entrepreneurs.”

Mechanical engineering software: Upon his retirement, Ochs plans to construct houses for Habitat for Humanity. He’s create for the change, in addition to the timing couldn’t live better. Years ending inwards nine, he says, are goodness years for him: he was born inwards 1949, he met Anne inwards 1969 in addition to came to Lehigh inwards 1979. He’ll retire inwards 2019.

Mechanical engineering software: “It’s fourth dimension to allow other people—the side yesteryear side generation—figure out how to maintain improving applied scientific discipline entrepreneurship  education, in addition to I wishing them all the best,” he says.

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