Tips To Avoid Mutual Errors Or Mistakes Inward Technical Papers Or Writing

In electrical flow technological era, everything larn done yesteryear machine together with related technology. Each needs interrogation together with development. So, to bring the information or findings i involve to write technical report, newspaper or writings. Most of the times, technical reports are amount of lineament but they incorporate mutual errors which powerfulness alter the pregnant or may effort rejection of technical papers also.  So, read the next tips to know what are the mutual errors together with its solutions.

Numeric numbers:
Technical writings are amount of numbers together with data. Normally integers or numbers less than 10 are written inward words. Say to bring '2 components, i should write 'two components'. Numbers greater than 10 together with fractional numbers tin travel written inward digits similar 11, 12.4 etc.

Take attention of 'a, an, the':
Always recollect than 'a' & 'an' tin travel used when nosotros verbalise nearly indefinite things acre 'the' tin travel used acre talking nearly 'definite' things. 

Symbol together with its curt form:
When nosotros role symbol inward writings, nosotros should write its amount shape when it appears for the get down fourth dimension together with should non necessary to write every-time subsequently when it comes again. E.g. "Artificial Intelligence (AI)". Now when nosotros involve to verbalise nearly "Artificial Intelligence , nosotros tin write AI only. 

Use proper word:

a lot of:Do non role 'a lot of' give-and-take for uncountable objects or things. Use 'many' give-and-take instead. 
highly increased:Instead of writing 'highly' increased, i should write 'greatly' increased.
Plural forms: Check earlier writing plural shape of anythings. Do non role 'works' together with 'researches', They are already inward plural forms.  One should role 'software' non 'softwares'
Do Not: Avoid writing 'Don't". Write amount shape i.e Do not.
In house of ALSO, i tin get down the judgement amongst 'Besides', 'Moreover' or 'In addition'
Do non tell 'comprises of', Instead of it, role 'comprises' only.
Always brand certain to write reports inward either 'Americal  English' or 'UK English' because 'Colour' together with 'Color' both are correct inward its ain English linguistic communication type but i must follow alone i mode of English. 

(Source: Hints on Writing Technical Papers together with Making Presentations Victor O. K. Li, Fellow, IEEE)


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