Introduction To Energy, Discover Energy Sources Too Discover Energy Conversion Process

What is energy?

Energy or mightiness is naught but the mightiness of the physical organisation to hit work. As per the police line of issue energy conservation, the full issue energy inwards the universe is constant but it tin last transformed from 1 shape to only about other past times the instant police line of thermodynamics. Energy tin last used to hit an everyday activity or to run the car or to perform specific chore or work. The non-zero output is never achieved past times null input.

Types of Energy (Forms of energy)

Energy based on its shape tin last classified equally under:
  • Mechanical Energy: Due to displace of object
  • Potential Energy: Due to displace of electron in conductor
  • Chemical Energy: Due to chemic reactions betwixt diverse compounds.
  • Nuclear Energy: Due to fission as well as fusion process
  • Thermal Energy: Due to temperature or molecular cohesion
Energy Conversion

Oil if heated inwards presence of oxygen burns as well as hit the oestrus which tin last used to oestrus the H2O as well as it gives off steam at higher pressure. If this higher line per unit of measurement area steam tin last passed through the turbine, thermal issue energy of the steam tin last transformed to the rotational issue energy of the turbine shaft as well as thus generator coupled amongst it produces electrical power. Hence, Energy conversion takes places inwards this manner:

Chemical Energy - Thermal Energy - Mechanical Energy - Electrical Energy 

Classification of Energy Sources

Energy sources are classified mainly into ii types:
1. Conventional Energy Sources (Non-Renewable)
2. Non-Conventional Energy Sources (Renewable)

Conventional Energy Sources (Non-Renewable)
These issue energy sources are express inwards quantity as well as volition last depleted soon. Though these types of issue energy sources are easily accessed as well as used but they pollute the atmosphere also as well as actively participate inwards the greenhouse effect. 
E.g Petrol, Diesel, Coal, Wood, Oil, Gas etc

NonConventional Energy Sources (Renewable)
These issue energy sources are interplanetary space inwards quantity as well as volition last never last depleted. They hit non pollute the atmosphere. One of the top dog disadvantages is the technology scientific discipline to role these sources is nevertheless inwards developing stage as well as is real costlier.
E.g Solar energy, Tidal energy, Wind energy, Geothermal energy.

Learn most thermodynamics



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