Calorific Value In Addition To Its Types (Higher Calorific Value In Addition To Lower Calorific Value)

Any fuel that is to endure used inwards whatever combustion procedure first, endure checked yesteryear its calorific values. The cost of fuel is too affected yesteryear the calorific value of the fuel. Here you lot tin detect the basic information about the calorific value in addition to its type. 

What is combustion?
Combustion is defined every bit a sequence of exothermic reactions/operations which at the halt gives off estrus every bit liberate energy in addition to by-products or combustion products.
e.g. combustion of methyl hydride amongst oxygen gives H2O in addition to carbon dioxide amongst energy.

Calorific Value of fuel
Calorific Value (C.V) or Heating Value or Energy Value is defined every bit the sum of liberate energy liberated yesteryear complete combustion of the unit quantity of fuel. 
  • Unit of Calorific Value: Joule per kg (J/kg)
  • Calorific Value is a feature of a fuel, based on this number, a fuel is selected for particular application and toll is too decided based on CV. 
Types of Calorific Value:

1. Higher or Gross Calorific Value (HCV)

If a fuel contains hydrogen every bit content inwards it in addition to if it reacts amongst oxygen during the combustion process, the production of combustion also comprise H2O vapor. If this H2O vapor if condensed at the temperature at which fuel in addition to oxygen are supplied, vapor volition endure condensed inwards H2O shape in addition to gives off its latent energy. This is improver to the liberate energy liberated yesteryear unit of measurement majority fuel. Thus this is called gross or higher calorific value. 

1. Lower or Net Calorific Value (LCV)

If H2O vapor every bit production of combustion is non condensed inwards H2O form, the internet liberate energy obtained yesteryear complete combustion of unit of measurement quantity of fuel is called lower calorific or internet calorific value. 

In practical purpose, LCV is used inwards consideration. 


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