Important Interview Questions Virtually Mechanical Applied Scientific Discipline - Thermodynamics (Part Ii)

Why Specific rut at constant pressure level is greater than Specific rut at constant volume?

First of all permit us define Specific Heat at Constant Pressure (Cp) too Specific Heat at Constant Volume (Cv):

Specific Heat at Constant Pressure (Cp): 

Specific rut at constant pressure level is defined equally the total of rut required to raise/increase the temperature of a gas/substance having unit of measurement majority yesteryear 1 (degree C) keeping pressure level constant. Unit: J/kgK

Specific Heat at Constant Volume (Cv): 

Specific rut at constant book is defined equally the total of rut required to raise/increase the temperature of a gas/substance having unit of measurement majority yesteryear 1 (degree C) keeping book constant. Unit: J/kgK

Now consider the next experimental setup having piston cylinder scheme containing gas heated yesteryear external rut source. 

When nosotros croak along some fixed Weight on piston, piston volition exert some pressure level on gas. When gas is heated, it volition expand too does external happen piston i.e. (PdV) (see figure). So, some component division of rut is wasted inward doing external last too some purpose inward increasing internal publish energy (which is proportion to temperature). Thus, to a greater extent than total of rut (Cp) is required to enhance the temperature through unit of measurement amount. 

While inward minute case, when nosotros create non allow piston to motion upward, no external last is done on pistion too all the external rut is utilized to enhance the temperature of gas rather than sharing the rut amongst external work. Thus, Cv is less inward total compared to Cp.

Thus, the divergence betwixt Cp too Cv is ever greater than cipher too is called 'Gas constant'.

What is the significance of compressibility factor?

Compressibility constituent ( Z = PV/mRT) distinguishes existent gas from it ideal gas behavior.  When value of Z is to a greater extent than than one, it signifies the existent gas behavior. 

Read to a greater extent than about interview questions of thermodynamics subject.. 


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